
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My other job

I don't talk much on this blog about my life off the farm. Believe it or not, I do get off the farm.When I'm not busy feeding hogs or pasturing poultry, I am employed as the Executive Director of the Clinton County Conservation Board. I've been with Clinton County for over 27 years, serving first as a Park Ranger and for the last 8 years as the department director. I manage 11 employees, 4 campgrounds and over 2,000 of public lands. Most days, I really love my job. Yesterday qualified as one of my best days at work.

Our latest under taking is the construction of a park visitor/nature center called the Mississippi River Eco Tourism Center. Yesterday, we had an 8,000 gallon aquarium delivered to the new facility. It is huge! 18 feet long, 10 feet wide and 6 feet deep. The aquarium arrived by semi from a custom manufacturer in California and was skillfully placed in the building by a local crane service. Here's a news story from a local TV channel.

Eco Tourism Center In Camanche

Yes, that's me in the video.

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