
Saturday, February 25, 2012

One egg omelet?

Every year around late February or early March, our chickens start to increase their egg production. Usually, this means the hens all start laying a lot more eggs. But for one hen, it meant one really, really huge egg.

Extra, extra, extra large egg.
Most of the eggs on this plate would grade out as large or extra large. The one in the center.....well, I would call it humongous! You have to wonder how she was able to even get this one out. Ouch!  Any guess as to how many yolks this egg will have? I think you could make a pretty decent sized omelet with this one egg alone.

1 comment:

  1. GINORMOUS!!!!! (To quote my favorite movie character, Buddy the Elf.) But I've got another G-word for you, GORGEOUS!!!! I dream of us having our own chicken coop. Marty thinks I'm nuts, but a girl's gotta dream! Please take a picture of the yolk(s), I'm totally curious!!!
