
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Piglets born April 8th

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million! Jane took this video today of Helga's piglets. These were born on April 8th. There are 4 gilts and 6 boars in this litter. They may look small now, but they grow very fast! If you are interested in buying a red wattle or two, please drop us an email. We are now taking deposits on these piglets. This litter will be ready to go to new homes around Memorial Day weekend.

Farming is sometimes puzzling

Click to Mix and Solve

Jane found a site that will make a puzzle out of any picture. Here's one we made of our sow Helga. Click on the puzzle picture to scramble the pieces. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Tom. He's the man!
We have a few turkeys that roam where they like on the farm. Tom is a male (thus the name Tom) Royal Palm turkey.It's mating season for turkeys and Tom likes to strut and show his stuff. He wants to be sure the hens all know that he's the man! He gobbles, fans his tail and his head turns bright red and blue. He is really quite the sight! We have an over abundance of male (tom) turkeys this year, so if you are looking for one, and not too far away to stop by the farm and pick him up, drop us an email. For a small fee, we'll make arrangements for you to get a Tom of your own.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New baby pigs

Helga had a litter of pigs in the wee hours of April 8th. We woke to find 10 piglets in the shed.  6 boys and 4 girls. This is Helga's second litter. In her first litter, she had 8 piglets and successfully raised all 8. This time, there were 12 born. One was found dead in the stall. It appeared to have been born dead. It was much smaller than the others. The other dead piglet was found outside in the mud wallow. I am really not sure how it got there. I found one in the mud with her last litter also, but was able to save that one. This piglet was not as lucky. Helga is a good mother, so we are hopeful that the remaining 10 will survive.

Pig Pile. 10 one day old red wattle piglets. 
Click on picture for larger view.

If you are interested in buying one of Helga's red wattle piglets, drop us an email at and we can make arrangements to reserve a piglet for you!